Thursday, August 31, 2006

Long-Weekend Plans

As if writing isn't already enough of a self-imposed hell, I caught wind from Marjorie M. Liu's blog about the Three Day Novel Contest.

Obsessive? Yes.
Compulsive? Probably.
Crazy? Without a doubt.

Still, it sounds fun in that insane-sorta-way most authors seem to view the world. I'll be working at the stables all day, but the idea of super-gluing my ass to the computer desk for 72 hours holds a hint of merit to me.

When all other motivational tactics fail, delve into insane-self-torture tactics, I suppose. To any taking the task on, good luck. May your muse be a chatter box and may your coffee be black.


Michele said...

Hey you! Thanks for visiting my blog and asking about my writing!

Guess what? I had to post a new entry and it's all your fault!! ;-)

LOLOL - I hope you like it , and if you want, tell me what you don't like. I have it on a crit site, but I don't think they like romance. No one has dared say anything. It scaaaares them ... I think. *giggle*

Love your site. Why haven't I visited before?
My bad.

Mignon said...

I really like the idea, but the reality is impossible for me. I'm no writing snob, because clearly all you have to do in the beginning is writewritewrite, and this 3-day exercise forces that. I just can't do it. Unless you wanna babysit?

Jaye Wells said...

I have a friend, Candace Havens, who teaches a two week fast draft workshop. Much more realistic. Plus you won't need life support after.

Michele said...

Sooo, did you do it? the contest is over... did you write???