Monday, July 31, 2006

Return from Hotlanta

For those of you who have been waiting on the edge of your seats, I'm alive.
Yesterday I returned from the Romance Writers of America yearly conference. Atlanta is fun, but so damn hot most of the buildings have enclosed walkways between them. I'm convinced all the humidity is produced in the MARTA (Metropolitan Area Regional Transit Authority...or something like that) & then pumped up to the city via secret tunnels, because cities that large always have secret tunnels.

ANYwho, the con was a blast. I met a lot of famous authors, and a lot of soon to be famous authors, and a hot guy in the elevator who hit on me when I was dressed up for the awards ceremony.

To give you an idea of the size of this con, I made up a list (ala-Mastercard commercial style):

Baggage on departure: 1 checked bag, 1 light carry-on
Baggage on return: 1 22lb checked bag, 1 87lb checked bag, and 1 carry-on weighing in at "ugh"
Blisters: 3
Bruises: 2
Cumulative of hours slept in Atlanta (Monday thru Sunday): 37ish
Souvenirs bought for me: 4 (not counting books)
Souvenirs bought for others: 2
Books acquired to replace unsigned favorites: 9
Hardcovers acquired: 8
ARC's acquired: 3
Books with a heroine sharing my name (albeit spelled differently): 1
Books I realized I'd received two of when unpacking yesterday: 3
Anthologies: 9
Paperbacks: 93
New Authors to read: 91
Total number of books brought home, not counting the 3 I took down with me: 101
Knowing I'll never reach the end of my TBR (to be read) Pile: PRICY!

Great news is, in addition to an ass load of books, I also came home with an ass load of new ideas, and more importantly, the know-how to properly develop them. *woot!*

More later, when I have time & energy. I have some great pictures, but Blogger is having a snit & won't let me upload any pictures off my new Digital Camera. Anyone with tips, ideas, suggestions, etc. is welcome to comment - I'm really bummed about not being able to do anything with the 200+ photos I uploaded onto my comp.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey Mitch! Glad you had a great conference. It was wonderful finally meeting you.

As for pictures, I didn't have any problems uploading the ones you sent me. Just make sure the sizes aren't too big. I uploaded two at a time. Good luck!