Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Days of My Life

My least favorite chore, which I reserve for Tuesday mornings, is cleaning the litter box. Trash goes out Tuesday night to be collected Wednesday morning, so litter needs to go out Tuesday if the house isn't gonna stink for another week.

The ritual of changing said litter box is accompanied by Boston's ritual of being the first to use the clean litter. Every time I change the box, she's sitting beside me, waiting for me to finish, so she can move in before Thisbee comes sniffing around.

Today, as I'm opening a new 40lb bag & pouring litter in, with Boston beside me, ready to dirty what I've just made clean, out of nowhere comes the thought - "Like litter into the catpan, these are the days of my life."
I go through the effort to make it clean and not smelly, and Boston can't wait to sully my efforts, even if she's gone immediately prior to me approaching the box. And the job's never done. I can scoop out the shit every single day, it's still gonna come to the point where it's beyond salvagable & I have to change everything.
I think this is a much better analogy than "sand through the hourglass." I mean, you can just flip the hourglass back over. Same sand, same amounbt of time, same outcome. Catlitter suits much better. And so I ask - what is YOUR life analogy?

In other news, I hit the bookstore today. I got Christine Feehan's Dark Demon, Anime Insider (I'm an anime freak), Farm and Zoo, a cute as hell childrens book with pictures like a bathtub with a muddy towel hung over one side and the question: Who bathes in mud?" You lift a flap covering half the page & the pink tub becomes a pig and the muddy towel is its muddy head. Can't wait to give it to my little bro! While looking at kiddie books - I was trying to find a perticular one, but I couldn't remember the title or author. I kinda get a kick outta buggin the boys there to help me find stuff, lol.
This book was probably the first book without pictures on every page that I truely loved. It's about 3 mice friends and one of them goes missing. The other 2 look all over for the third, finding clues that finally lead them to a park where there long lost friend sits in a stroller wearing barbie doll clothes. They're elated to find him & tell him now he can come home with them. He explains a girl found him and has been keeping him as a pet, he's happy in his new life and doesn't want to go back with his friends. His friends are all like, "Dude, we risked out friggin lives for you! I think that bonnett's a bit to tight, get outta the girly clothes and come home with us!" But he doesn't. Immensely sad, but endearing. I wanted to read it again, to my little bro, like my mom read it to me. I'm gonna have to Amazon for it, because the guys at the book store couldn't find it, although Steve remembered reading the same book when he was a kid. Matt thought at first I was talking about the Rats of Nymh, which led to a great discussion where the three of us bonded over our favorite books as a kiddo. Another I loved, which was also made into a great movie - Island of the Blue Dolphins.
The other book I got today, Elizabeth Gilbert's Eat, Pray, Love. I read an article about it in TIME. Basically, a newly divorced woman goes on an Under the Tuscan Sun-esque vacation to Italy to enjoy the food, India to find Nirvana, and ends in Indonesia, where she falls in love. Can't wait to read it, though I don't honestly do too much non-fiction. I'll post how it turns out.

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