Friday, June 09, 2006

Crescent Moon

I'm hoping my loyal blogees have picked up these books by now. I really can't say enough about Lori Handeland. She does awesome work. Crescent Moon is the last book in the Nightcreatures Series until Midnight Moon comes out this August.

Crescent Moon is the story of Diana Malone, a cryptozoologist who's hired by a mysterious benefactor to hunt wolves in the swamps of New Orleans. People have been disappearing, bodies have been found mauled by an animal. Only there no longer are any wolves in New Orleans, unless you count the legendary loup-garou.
When her guide's throat is ripped out in the swamp, Diana is offered help by the sexy Cajun, Adam Ruelle. But is he leading her around the truth instead of to it? Adam's a recluse, most of the town thinks he's dead or crazy. Diana thinks he's furry, at least, part of the time.
The Crescent City turns Diana's vision of reality inside out with zombies, werewolves, vampires, ghosts, strange dreams, and unseen visitors in the night. Can Diana uncover the mystery before the truth tracks her down in the dark swamps of Louisiana?
She'll need to change her beliefs, overcome her skepticism, and maybe even enlist the aid of a Vodoun Priestess to break the spell of love she's falling into, and discover if the legendary loup-garou is roaming the swamps around her, or maybe even wrinkling the sheets with her.

Really, I can't say enough great things about Lori! If you haven't picked up her books yet, go. Now! ....I'm waiting!

Crescent Moon is filled with the wonderful, mystical atmosphere of New Orleans. The book explores not only local myths, but also history in a way that's informative without making you mind that you're learning.
My favorite supporting character of this book was Priestess Cassandra, who performs a Vodoun Ceremony with Diana in what is without a doubt my favorite scene in the book.
Priestess Cassandra comes back in Midnight Moon as the heroine, this Autumn (*hint*hint*).
This book also is filled with the humor I love so much. I can't really paraphrase without either losing meaning, or spoiling a plot scene, but take my word for it. This book had me laughing out loud at one point. Not a bad thing, except it was somewhere between 2 & 3am & the rest of the house was trying to sleep. I still chuckle when I think of it now, and this is from 2 days ago.
Humor, mystique, and a HUGE surprise near the end that turns everything upside down. I absolutely loved this book. Have I mentioned how much a fan of Lori Handeland I am? No? Maybe I should prop her some more.
Go check her website and blog (which she shares with some other awesome authors), then read her books!

You people NEED to be reading these books!
For anyone who's not been paying attention, check the sidebar under "Books I've Ho'd" for my mini-reviews of her other books, as well as other books I've read recently and loved!


Mignon said...

I don't really have anything to say about your review, because it's not really my genre and I may have forgotten how to read in the last couple weeks. But hey - hi. How's it goin?

The roofers are doing circus elephant tricks above me right now and the whole house is shaking.

Mitch said...

What's that rhyme about paying to see the elephants jump the fence?