Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Reason #2

Installment number two of "Reasons Why I'm Going to Hell."

I've come to accept the fact that my brain thinks like a person damned. The following is the bulk of a conversation I had online with a friend:

ME: nuns are considered married to God, right?
what about Priests? or Monks? are they all gay married to god?
No I don't think so
then how come nuns get to marry god but Priests don't, aren't Priests higher up on the ladder than nuns?
It's like doctors and nurses kind of
Doctors are above priests should be gay married to god and bearing his child?
Ok I get gay married to GOd except you'lll never find that in a catholic church. They bearing his child is anatomically impossible even for God
but they have to be something more than gay married to him in order to be above nuns
They're men that's enough for the church
but being as they're men, shouldn't they still be getting an added bonus
you're assuming God is male
so.....god is bearing the child of every Priest?
Look how about this Nuns are married to Jesus and Priests are married to Mary
but Mary wasn't on the level of God that would be like a nun saying, "I get god, you can have Gabriel" .......if all life came from god....wouldn't he sorta have to be a hermaphrodite? what makes the relationship between a priest and God greater than that between a nun and God?
The hierarchy of priests versus nuns was decided int he church by men. Pope, cardinal, bishop, priest ,nun
so maybe nuns are only *saying* they're married to god so they can feel like they're not at the bottom of the hierarchy decided by men?
No they actually have a ceremon that names them brides of christ But it is not marriage as we think of it. It's more commiting themselve to Jesus
so are monks gay-comitted to god?
I don't know
who made this ceremony? it could've been one of the nuns
But you have to understand there are dozens of orders of both priests, monks, and nuns so it may be different for each
so...there's like god's prime heram, then his second string?
I think the last church you'll find someone saying anyone i gay married to God is in the Catholic church
(a few others joined the conversation here)
Why do the relationships have to be comparable?
because monks should be equal to nuns they should be allowed to split the alimony if god divorced them
if you're looking for equality you need to look elsewhere at least traditionaly
so, what exactly do monks get out of the deal? they can't have sex, and they never get to marry
The whole theing about priets not being able to marry didn't come about until the 12th century Pope Gregory was concerned because the church's wealth was being drained because the children of priests and bishops had and claim being their heirs And so he decreed that priets must 'live like Jesus' i.e. no marriage under the rubric of religion but really to cover the church's ass...ets
what about monks?
Same if they're part of the church then it's the same
if they're living like Jesus....they're god's sons....and nuns are married to nuns are like the mommies of the church? only without having sex
Yep, they're job is to be like the Virgin Mary They have to live her holy life But they conveniently forgot that Mary did eventually have sex
they conveniently forget a lot when it suits them

Thanks a lot to all my friends for joining me in the discussion and for clearing a few things up for me!


Flood said...

The Catechism of the Catholic Church teaches that God is not male, but that his role in our world makes the term "Father" more appropriate than "Mother", although both terms remain informative:

In no way is God in man's image. He is neither man nor woman. God is pure spirit in which there is no place for the differences between the sexes. But the respective "perfections" of man and woman reflect something of the infinite perfection of God: those of a mother (Isaiah 49:14-15, 66:13; Psalm 131:2-3) and those of a father (Job 31:18; Jer 3:4-20) and husband (Jer 3:6-19)."

By calling God "Father," the language of faith indicates two main things: that God is the first origin of everything and transcendent authority; and that He is at the same time goodness and loving care for all His children. God's parental tenderness can also be expressed by the image of motherhood (Isaiah 66:13; Psalm 131:2), which emphasizes God's immanence, the intimacy between Creator and creature. The language of faith thus draws on the human experience of parents.... (CCC 239)

Flood said...


Flood said...

Sorry! One more thing: The Church teaches Mary is ever-virgin and therefore never had sex.

Mignon said...

Why is the first origin of everything necessarily a Father - doesn't it make more sense that a Mother is the one 'giving birth' to everything? And why is 'goodness and loving care of all His children' descriptive of Father first? out of curiosity...

Flood said...

Mignon, because (according to the Church) the father is the head of the household. The mother is the heart of the family.

The language of faith thus draws on the human experience of parents.... meaning it was typically the experience of children to both fear and adore their father, who guides and provides for them and look to their mother for nurture.

Hence "Just wait 'til your father gets home!" Haha.

While Catholics do not worship Mary, they look to her as the feminine side of the Church and the perfect example of submission to God. Someone to revere and emulate. Her status as Queen of Heaven, and the #1 person to have God's ear, is reminiscent of the traditional nuclear family.

I am not Catholic, but I could go on and on about this. I should start a blog about it. I am sure people would come running to read it. :P