Thursday, June 01, 2006

Would You Like to Play a Game?

SO, because I'm bored, and because I've been having so much fun with Flood lately, I thought we'd play a game. It's a variation of a game being played on Flood's blog right now, and I encourage everyone to stop by her blog and join the fun there as well.

Here's how we play (read all rules before joining game)-

I'm going to post the beginning of a story. Anyone can post the next section, but the length of the section must exactly 15 lines of the comment box As soon as you reach the 15th line, you stop. I don't care if you're mid sentance, just finish spelling the word you were on, then post your comment.

When you leave a comment, you may NOT read all the previous comments. You may only read the comment immediately previous to yours. When the comment page opens, scroll down to the comment box and read the comment immediately above.

You may post as many times as you like, but not in succession. Someone else has to leave a comment before you may post again.

Play as long as you like, invite your friends to play. After a week, I'll post the story in its entirety for everyone to read. I used to do this in my creative writing class and it can be loads of fun. Hope everyone enjoys!


Mitch said...

The day was hot, with not even a breeze to abate the humidity. Amber couldn't wait for nightfall. Not only because it would provide a breack from the heat, but because she was going out with a group of friends that night to the local Pennitentary.
The prison had been closed for years, but allowed visitors to come for all night Ghost Hunts with no lights and no way out.

Jaye Wells said...

Amber gathered her supplies for her night of fear-filled fun. A fanny pack, a camera, a tape recorder and holy water--one couldn't be too careful. She met her friends at the local coffee shop for a pre-Ghostbusting latte. She ordered a triple shot, knowing she'd need the caffeine to get through the night. Her friend, Michelle, stood back form the group, nervously fingering the strap of her camera. The follower of the group, Michelle had reluctantly agreed to go along with the plan. Amber walked over ...

Mignon said...

to her boyfriend Gary and whispered something to him that made him grin. He glanced quickly around the coffee shop and then squeezed her breast. Michelle, always watching, pressed the shutter button on her camera, and smiled to herself. Not one for tampering with the occult, she had agreed to come along in order to pad her photography portfolio, and had announced this to Amber and Tiffany when they picked her up in front of her dad's repair shop. Amber rolled her eyes at Tiff and they laughed. But they quit suddenly when Michelle's dad came running out of his shop, shirt off, waving a crucifix at them. Michelle had told him about their plans and he shouted through Tiff's window, "Y'all are gonna need this!" He rapped the window with...

Mitch said...

the silver cross. Gary rolled his eyes, lowering the window before Michelle's dad could break through it with the crucifix. "Take this with you!" he implored, the desperate look in his eyes just short of serial predator status. Amber and Tiffany snickered in the back seat as Gary took the cross and shot Michelle a look that said, "Floor it before he sends along Reverend...

Jaye Wells said...

Al Sharpton. That guy's a total drag."
Michelle said nothing, but placed the cross in her backpack. "Let's get the hell out of here," Amber told Gary.
"You shouldn't cuss," Michelle said quietly. Amber just rolled her eyes then squealed as Gary punched the gass pedal, leaving the shop behind in a cloud of dust.
Fifteen minutes later the dreary gray walls of the prison's crenalated towers came into view. Everyone was silent as the car approached the guard tower.

Mignon said...

Three others cars had already arrived, and the kids were standing around, boys smoking, girls hugging their tight sweaters against themselves. The wind had picked up and when Michelle pushed open her door the gust blew through the car swallowing the conversation Tiff and Amber were having in the backseat. One of the boys yelled at the newcomers to hurry up, they had to get in before it was completely dark. Michelle checked her camera settings and took a couple shots of boys stubbing out their cigarrettes before the group moved together through the first two guard towers into the waiting confines of the prison. One boy ran ahead, wrists held together in front of him, screaming, "Take me, take me, for I have sinned!" He stopped

Creativity Vacuum said...

and fell to his knees on the ground, hands up in supplication. "Get up, asshole,' another one of the boys said as he caught up, smaking the kneeling boy in the back of the head. Michelle cracked a smile at the adolescent hijinks. To think that she had once considered having a relationship with one of those mongrels. She thanked the lord everyday that she was a lesbian. Follwing behind slowly, Michelle felt a cold chill of dread as the dark gray stone of the prison came

Mitch said...

into view. She could picture vampire bats hanging from the rafters as werewolves patrolled the grounds. Michelle couldn't stop herself from swallowing nervously as she stepped into the shadow of the prison yard. Why hadn't any of them realized it was a full moon until now? And why had she decided to top off her goth outfir with a pentagram necklace? The boys weren't

Creativity Vacuum said...

any protection against the evil that lurked within the dank walls of the abandoned prison. She glanced at her watch. 10:12. Damn! They had less than two hours to get everything done. "Amber?" she asked. "Right here." "You have the backpack." Amber gave an exasperated sigh. "For the fitieth freaking time, I have the freaking backpack." "I'm sorry. I'm just..." "I know chica. Don't worry we can do this. Besides, we have lots of back-up." Amber motioned to the horde of

Anonymous said...

giant cockroaches. "You boys ready?" The leader reared up, showing his gleaming thorax. "Ready." "Good, you go into the prison first. We'll be right behind you." Amber whispered. "Why have them go first?" "Because everyone knows nothing can kill a cockroach," she replied. Then she yelled, "Let's move out! Time to kick some

Mitch said...

invertebrate ass!" Michelle and Amber winced at the crunching under the boys' boots, but were grateful it wasn't their shoes being splattered with cockroach guts. There was enough scum in the prison as it was (the accompanying boyfriends not withstanding). Shouts echoed through the deserted chambers, coming back eerily distorted. Maybe it was a good thing they'd brought

Anonymous said...

their I-Pods. At least they would have cool music and not have to listen to the squishing guts and erie moans coming from behind them. Who the hell had thought up the idea of searching for the lost rabbit? It was a rabbit for Pete's sake. Not like it has some magical abilities or anything. So what that it wore a tacky lame' vest and 4 inch spike Prada heels.
Amber groaned when she thought of all the trendy shoes in her closet at home. The guys could keep their biker boots, she wanted

Creativity Vacuum said...

every Manolo on the planet. She practically had an orgasm whenever she passed the store. Amber repressed a small shudder at the thought. Jerking her thoughts back to the task at hand, Amber hurried up to catch up with the rest of the group. Suddenly, the tall, shadowed gates of the prison loomed before them. Another shudder past through Amber's body, only this time, it was one of fear, not shoe lust. Amber inhaled sharply. Rabbit my ass. Just let me get my hands on that

Mitch said...

Holy Hand Grenade. Death doesn't await me with big claws and sharp, pointy fangs. Hell, no! I'll lobbith my Holy Hand Grenade, and with it I shall blow my enemies to tiny long as the security guards dont frisk me on my way into the prison. Amber glanced at the boys, already within the prison walls. Even Michelle, formerly skiddish, seemed to be more egar