Monday, June 05, 2006

Dark Moon

Proof of how awesome Lori Handeland's books are - I've read 2 in 3 days.

So much for sleep.

Today's Book-Ho Installment is on Dark Moon. Previous books in the Nightcreatures series by Lori Handeland are Blue Moon and Hunter's Moon.

Since I just did a Ho-view (...okay, that sounds bad - really BAD - I'll need to think up another name for my Book Ho Reviews) on Lori's Hunter's Moon yesterday, I thought I'd do something a bit different today.
Lori writes in first person, not incredibly common, but she does it wonderfully. Since her characters are stubborn and spunky (much like yours truly), reading them in first person only helps me feel all that much closer to them.

So, in honor of lories first-person-awesomeness (I'm tired, I'll work on better adjectives tomorrow), I'll be doing a blurb in 1st person so summarize Dark Moon. Hope you enjoy (also, if my version sucks, please realize Lori's is much MUCH better)!

A few days ago my lab blew up. Sure, my research is backed up elsewhere (not that I have any idea where), but it was also my home. As if that wasn't enough stress on a girl, my first and only love, the man I've always wanted but can never have, walked back into my life the same day.
You'd think a guy would hold a grudge after a girl walked out on him in the middle of the night and never showed back up after seven years. You'd think. But Nic still loves me, which only makes it that much more painful that I still can't have him.
Oh, and did I mention someone wants me dead? Yeah - that might have something to do with the lab explosion. But wait, it gets better! People are disappearing all over the small, remote town of Fairhaven, Wisconsin. Sure, we've found a corpse or two, but they disappear almost before they turn cold.
Add to that ghost wolves that only I can see, voices on the wind, a Gypsy witch, and Nic won't get out of town like he's told and give my suffering libido a break! Okay, some suffering is worth it, even worth a bullet to the head, but it's still a rough week for a girl who's spent most of the past seven years locked up in a lab studying werewolves instead of out in the field pointing guns at them.

It's a good thing I have a PhD, or I might not be able to handle all this right now.

Dr. Elise Hanover makes a wonderful transition from a secretive woman with her nose and a book and her tail between her legs, into a strong-willed, sharp tongued, kick-ass superhero. Gotta love a woman who realizes her power and chooses to use it.
The hero isn't too bad either, hunky and stubborn, yet ultimately protective of his woman through and through. There's a scene where he's pulling a bullet out of her butt that I particularly got a kick out of.

The one disappointment was I didn't get to hear much from Leigh and Damien, the pair from the last book. Jessie and Will are still present in all their glory (which means bickering one second, embracing the next) and help to bring an end to the mystery, but Leigh and Damien head off to another mission shortly into the book. Hopefully they'll be back in future books (especially Damien!)

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