Sunday, April 16, 2006


I was up until 4am this morning finishing Blackout by Annie Solomon. I've been exhausted all day, but damn if it wasn't worth it!

Blackout is the story of Margo Scott, a book seller who lives in Washington D.C. in a house left to her by her Aunt Francis.
Or so she thinks.
Until she realizes she's lost a month of her life. Then everything falls under question. She can't find a sister she swears she has - let alone any pictures of her family, her life. Everything before the night she woke up with a headache is a blur - including whether or not she killed Frank Vinay.
Jake Wise is an undercover agent unofficially assigned to keep an eye on Margo. Now Frank is dead and it seems everyone is after Margo, good guys and bad. Jake wants to believe Margo is innocent, but a bad memory makes a lousy alabi, and all the leads point to her being a murderer.
They team up together to try to find the truth of who killed Frank, but there's a lot to work out in their partnership since Jake doesn't entirely trust Margo. And Margo doesn't trust herself at all.

The first chapter of this book will pull you in like a tow line. The second chapter is a little confusing, but then a lot of things are confusing when your main character has no concrete memory and thinks she's going insane.
The plot is multifaceted and kept me guessing until the end. There are multiple assassains after Margo, and it takes a while to find out who and why. There are fast paced fights mingled with off-beat humor - everything I like in a book. My favorite part of this book was the end. I thought the book was basically over, just waiting for the happily-ever-after, but there's one more surprise I didn't see coming until it hit. A lot of times, I manage to figure out what's going on to a degree before the book ends, in this case, there was no possible way to do that because you're getting new information every page and the main character's prospectives are changing all the time to allow you to change your own perception as well.
One thing that shocked me in this book is the way the hero pushes the heroine. They're both though, and usually armed. Margo gets the best of Jake and ties him up, but Jake later gets the best of Margo and knocks her unconscious. It shocked me and took me a minute to adjust, but Annie pulls it off wonderfully.
Anyone in the mood for an action/suspense romance that will keep them questioning, I highly recommend this book!

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