Thursday, April 27, 2006

Medical Dollar Menu

I'm driving home from work today and I notice a sign. I don't think I've ever noticed it before, but maybe I have and just never thought about it. It was a sign like for a McDonald's, or a Holiday Inn - one you can see from the highway so if you're from outta town and want food, or a place to rest (or not rest), you can find it easily enough by following the 40ft tall sign.

The sign I noticed today is a grayish green with white letters and reads:

Urology Center

I tried to picture a trucker passing through, or maybe a family headed on vacation, or someone going to a meeting but running an hour or so ahead of schedule. Can you imagine any of those people seeing that sign and thinking, "Hey, I've never had a vasectomy before - I should try it."
The same people who just left TacoBell with a Crunch Wrap Supreme pull up to the Urology Center and ask for the Dollar Menu Special - a catheter placement. No need for a refill, but you get a free empty if you bring the bag back.
Kindey Stone Sundays they break up your stones with the screeching soundwaves of the drive-thru speaker.
Fasting Friday you get a discount on urinalysis.
Celebrate your next birthday party with us! Colostomy Party Bags!
ATM Inside.

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