Thursday, April 13, 2006

Reasons why I'm going to Hell

#1. I went to church today. I'm not a big religous person, I believe more in spirits and the power of positive thoughts to influence, although I suppose that's a religion as well, but back when I was aminstream, I was Presbyterian. Gram (who is still Presbyterian & somehow manages to be accepting of her hethan granddaughter) asked me if I'd like to come to the Maundy Thursday service with her. The offered comunion, a big loaf of bread you ripped a piece off of, then a chalice of grape juice you dip your nugget of bread into. They tell you, "This is the body of Christ, broken for you." & "This is the blood of Christ, sacrificed for you." Walking back to my seat, chewing on my grapey-bread hunk, I think - "Mmmm...Christ is yummy."

Not that I'll go to hell solely for this infraction, but it's just another accomplishment to add to my long list of credentials.

I'm going to start listing them as I add to the list.

What are YOU going to hell for?


Jaye Wells said...

What am I going to hell for?

Hitting on a priest. (true story)

Oh and I guess I'm a sinner by association since I talk to you and you are so evil!

Mitch said...

Haha, I remember that! It's not so bad that you hit on him, but gushing about it afterwords definately ups the ante.