Friday, April 21, 2006

Karma-Induced Electrocution

My. Name. Is. Earl.
I forgot to mention that I electrocuted myself yesterday. I've been told it was Karma-induced because of my heightened evilness. It's a possibility. Mostly I think it was because I thought I could fix the vanity light without turning off the fuse for it.
Needless to say, I was mistaken.
I actually didn't feel the electrocution the way you feel a static shock. I probably wouldn't have even noticed if it hadn't been for the sudden impression of being able to feel the insides of all of my teeth at once, accompanied by the sudden coppery penny-like taste on my tongue. Oh, that and the mini-bolt of lightning I saw shoot from the wall into my hand.
It was the first time in just short of a year that I've seriously electrocuted myself, not just the little shocks you get from accidentally touching a prong as you plug in a clock.
I think I'm okay, though. I just stood there waiting for my brain to re-boot and my eyes to refocus while a distant part of me thought my eyes just *might* already be focused. That, and it took a while for the copper penny taste to wear off.

Good times.

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