Blogger has FINALLY allowed me to upload the pic of the stop sign in the cul de sac!

In other news, it's hot and humid...and I hate my hair.
Work today consisted of me sitting by the phone while everyone else was on top of the hill doing races and games for the Fun Show.
The bad part was, I didn't have any communication with the top of the hill, so when the toilet broke and wouldn't stop flushing & was spewing water all over the wall and floor like a geyser, I had to run up the hill and shout "Janette!"
"Come 'ere!"
"I'm busy now, I can't."
"Well you're gonna have to because the bathroom's flooding!"
Half an hour later, maintenance arrived with a plunger. They needed a wrench. Did I mention I had just cleaned both bathrooms and the entire lobby less than an hour before?
In other fun news, Guinness bit me. On the BOOB!!!! He's not even a year old yet, so I forgive him, but damn if it doesn't hurt! I have equine teeth mark bruises forming. *humph*